Over several workshops, I collaborated with CréatureS Cie on an interactive video and architectural installation for all ages. I designed the video effects, integration, and programming (and filmed the promotional clip above).
From our promotional material:
An installation both immersive and participatory, Projet Z.E.R.O. (Zone d’Expérimentation et de Révolution Onirique, or “Zone of Experimentation and Dreamlike Revolution”), catalyzes a synthesis of architecture, design, optics, chemistry, physics, etc…
Within the geodesic dome, spectators embark on a rotating aircraft. They experience an interstellar voyage and encounter spatial phenomena, celestial bodies, and other wonders of the cosmos.
This environment is created via scientific experiments carried out in the neighboring control room/laboratory. Under the direction of mission control, participants create images that are treated and combined in real time to form the projections inside the aircraft.
Project conception and text: Hubert Jégat
Dome design and creation: Paul Foresto
Video design and programming: Sam Anderson
Music design: Grégoire Charbey
With the support of the Conseil Départemental de la Sarthe et la Région Pays de la Loire.